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Polat Energy, the leading player of the Renewable Energy sector, received the Honor Award for Those Who Power the Wind at the Turkish Wind Energy Congress organized by the Turkish Wind Energy Association (TÜREK). Adnan Polat, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Polat Holding, received the award at the night, which was attended by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank.
İzmir hosted the Turkish Wind Energy Congress organized by the Turkish Wind Energy Association (TÜREK) on 1-2 November 2022. The congress, which was held for the 11th time this year, was held with the participation of Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank. On behalf of Polat Energy, the pioneer of wind energy in Turkey, Adnan Polat, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Polat Holding, was given the Honorary Award of Those Who Power the Wind by Mustafa Varank, Minister of Industry and Technology.
On behalf of Polat Energy, the leading company of the energy sector, Polat Holding Energy Group President Arkın Akbay will be present at the congress with the aim of free market operation and efficient use of energy in the free market in the supply-demand balance, the place and importance of wind energy in Turkey's Net Zero 2053 target, additional capacity increases. It brought up the issues of supporting supply security, re-strengthening investments, realizing more economical wind energy investments by making use of the existing infrastructure.
Emphasizing that the Turkish industry can strengthen its competitiveness by accelerating the permit processes related to the sector, renewable energy supply agreements and the production of green certificates, Akbay said that capacity increases with the storage facilities combined with the production facilities are a very positive development, that sustainable finance is indispensable for the sector, and that the capacity competition model is a must. He emphasized that it should be improved in a way that will pave the way for real investors.
Polat Holding Energy Group President Arkın Akbay stated that the long-term Renewable Energy Supply Agreements will make the electricity energy costs of our industry predictable, can be a precaution against the Carbon Regulations at the Border with the green certificate, and will be the assurance of providing economic financing conditions for increasing renewable capacity. At the same time, he emphasized that the first Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism, which carried the wind capacity to the level of 11,000 MW between 2010-2021, is an important tool for increasing the renewable energy capacity.
Speaking on behalf of Polat Enerji, Arkın Akbay stated that they are always ready to invest in renewable energy. He mentioned that the provision of additional capacity with the requirement of establishing storage units will enhance quality and enable a rapid response to increased demand. However, Akbay also pointed out the risk of creating inefficiencies due to excessive backup storage capacity when the ratio for capacity is tied to 1 MW of additional capacity requiring 1 MW of storage. He emphasized the importance of regulating it in a way that meets the needs of imbalance management and overall ancillary service support according to the production type, which would be more valuable in terms of total cost.
About Polat Energy Group: Polat Energy Group, which was founded in 2000 by Adnan Polat, Chairman of the Board of Polat Holding, is currently the leader in the field of wind energy in Turkey with its 695 MW installed power. Thanks to the clean energy it produces, Polat Energy Group provides approximately 1.5 million tons of greenhouse gas emission reduction, equivalent to planting 55 million trees today.